S’mores: How to Lose Well

S’mores: How to Lose Well

By Sonny Yachtsman

Based on the Prompt “Lost”

What snacks divide common man,

Chex Mix exclusionaries roaming USA.

Jimmy Carter is back in office, second term

Thanksgiving dinner arguments with Uncle Stephen;

He hates when people spell his name with a “V” and not “ph”.. He’s too sophisticated for the V, and he’s a dick.

What could bring you towards adolescence and endow distance at the same time!

When’s the last time you ate a S’more? When’s the last time you sat around a fire outside with your pals or even your dad. I know that’s a sensitive subject. I didn’t think about it before I said it. You ever seen that movie “Step Brothers” with Will Ferrell? Why are you letting your plant die? Didn’t he buy that for you around your birthday last year? 

I watched the Bay of Pigs Invasion and Moon Landing on our family’s television set, and I know at least one of them had to be staged. When you talk to me I get a headache. We’re out of graham crackers;

I never needed a boyfriend to be happy, it was wrong of me to assume. The last time I had a s’more was pre-pandemic, and it tasted like pure magic.

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